Is there a job in holland for me?
Hi, yeah i know another one of these questions. So im english and i want to move to the hague (middle of amsterdam and rotterdam) and i cant speak dutch yet, i had a friend who works in dhl in amsterdam and he doesnt speak dutch. I dont want to work in the dam. But in hague. Any one knows how someone like me can get a job there only english? And college drop out. Thanks for ur time.
Netherlands - 4 Answers
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1 :
There are jobs in English primarily for international companies like DHL, but when you want a job without a college and/or university education then you are going to struggle quite honestly and especially in this economy. Not having a high education rules out most of the jobs which are located around Den Haag (The Hague) namely the International Organisations such as Eurojust, Europol, ICC, ICTY, OPCW etc To get a position there you need specialist work experience and/or a high level of education If I were you, I would take a two-fold approach. 1 - The first is that I would contact the job agencies in Den Haag. They will have a good idea of what International companies are in their area, what kind of positons come up & how often. A job agency is an 'Uitzendburo' or 'Uitzendbureau' and here is the link to the yellow pages in English 2 - Check out the job sites to see what you can find for yourself. There are also some sites in English where English language jobs are placed. The most famous one is (which is also a job agency for English speakers) Then here are a couple more that I know of: What you can also do is check the Dutch version of Monsterboard and type "English" in the 'trefwoord' (keyword) field Also the Den Haag municipality site gives some more links There are no guarantees and it's not going to be easy to find work because although the Netherlands has not been hit as bad as the UK it is getting very tight here as well, and I hear more people worried about their jobs and also being laid off as well. Factor in the fact that many of them speak good enough to fulful the English speaking jobs as well and you have a lot of competition. So I really would strongly advise you to check out your chances of employment in advance to coming over. For the practicalities side of things then here are a couple more tips <Registration> The first thing you need to do (within 5 working days of arrival) is to register at your local town hall (gemeentehuis), and then after registration you can obtain a BSN number (similar to the National Insurance number in the UK and this is the replacement of the SOFI number as mentioned in another answer, but you do NOT get it from the tax office anymore). Fortunately the Den Haag muncipality site has a lot of info in English <Healthcare> As a resident of the Netherlands you will need to have health insurance (mandatory by law) and the EHIC card will NOT cover you because you are a resident of the Netherlands and not a tourist. The NHS site confirms this "..if you move to the Netherlands to live but not work and do not receive a UK benefit, you may be eligible for up to two-and-a-half years of state healthcare cover, paid for by the UK. In this case, you will need to apply for an E106. - read here for confirmation and details on how to apply <Banks account> As soon as you have your BSN number then you can open a bank account. ABN Amro has pages in English and also the internet banking is also in English so this is a good option if you don't speak Dutch <Leaving the UK> This is a good site to read as well because there are loose ends you have to tie up before leaving the UK (e.g. declaration to the tax office, unregistering yourself on the electoral role etc As I said, coming from someone who has moved several times in the EU, then doing the groundwork and getting as much info as possible can really help a lot and can make the difference between settling and moving back after an expensive mistake. So do your homework before packing your bags :) Good luck
2 :
I don't fancy your chances over there if you're a college drop-out. Dutch employers like educational qualifications. I would suggest that you get back into college and finish your education in the UK, and then try your luck in the Netherlands.
3 :
TNT are laying off hundreds of people this week. Im sure a lot of them will end up in DHL. If you have any call center experience you should be ok. My advise would be if you want to move, save up enough to keep you going for at least 4/5 months. That's what I did and it worked out. I also don't have a college education but have good work experience. Good luck.
4 :
You can find a job as a teaching assistant or English tutor. My friend went to Japan last year and got a job as a teacher assistant. Now he is is South Korea doing the same thing. Check out this website, he uses it to find available jobs in this field.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Is Holland And Barrett Good For Colon Cleanse Pills And Acai Berry Pills
Is Holland And Barrett Good For Colon Cleanse Pills And Acai Berry Pills?
im looking to lose a lot of weight and i do lots of exercise nd eat healthy but my metabolism is extremely slow nd it hard for me to lose weight. i heard combining these two producs ( colon cleanse pills and Acai berry pills) is good for quick weight loss. ive heard that sum r scams and u need to be carefull which ones that work. so i was wondering if any1 could tell me if the holland and barrett ones work well? if not then where could i get them in the UK?? xx
Diet & Fitness - 0 Answers
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1 :
yes holland and barrett is the best place to buy from because they wont scam you and they don't charge £80 a bottle like some of the online scams. don't buy the acai juice though it tastes absolutely foul.. however, i would perhaps ignore the acai berry altogether, they're not as great as everyone says, they do exactly the same as blueberries would, and blueberries aren't nearly as expensive. the best thing to do if you're after supplements or nutrients to be healthy is to eat more berries in general. do not go for any 'free trials' most of these are scams.
im looking to lose a lot of weight and i do lots of exercise nd eat healthy but my metabolism is extremely slow nd it hard for me to lose weight. i heard combining these two producs ( colon cleanse pills and Acai berry pills) is good for quick weight loss. ive heard that sum r scams and u need to be carefull which ones that work. so i was wondering if any1 could tell me if the holland and barrett ones work well? if not then where could i get them in the UK?? xx
Diet & Fitness - 0 Answers
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1 :
yes holland and barrett is the best place to buy from because they wont scam you and they don't charge £80 a bottle like some of the online scams. don't buy the acai juice though it tastes absolutely foul.. however, i would perhaps ignore the acai berry altogether, they're not as great as everyone says, they do exactly the same as blueberries would, and blueberries aren't nearly as expensive. the best thing to do if you're after supplements or nutrients to be healthy is to eat more berries in general. do not go for any 'free trials' most of these are scams.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Im 17, I live in Texas, parents live outa state, havent finished High School. Can I work full time legally
Im 17, I live in Texas, parents live outa state, havent finished High School. Can I work full time legally?
I moved to the US in 03, im from Holland, ive got a Green Card, I lived in Florida for over 5 years when i moved to Texas with some friends, I havent finished school and dont have a GED. Can i work full time legally in Texas?
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 :
no you cant you need to register and go to school get your diploma or ged right now theres no jobs for anyone with no education
I moved to the US in 03, im from Holland, ive got a Green Card, I lived in Florida for over 5 years when i moved to Texas with some friends, I havent finished school and dont have a GED. Can i work full time legally in Texas?
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 :
no you cant you need to register and go to school get your diploma or ged right now theres no jobs for anyone with no education
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Am I average, chubby, fat, or really fat
Am I average, chubby, fat, or really fat?
Hi, Recently I've been feeling very down about my weight. I have always had really thick legs a small waist and big hips, always!! Well not the hips so much but always the legs ever since I was little. I'm 13 and I am 129 lbs. I am about 5 ft 3 inches. I have had to fit my eating habits around my little brother who for almost three years couldn't have any milk at all. My mum used to work in Holland and Barrett so we had LOADS of health food and I practically lived on it. But then when I got to about 10 I got so jealous of my friends because they had crisps and chocolate and white bread in their lunches and I had fruit bars apples and granary bread..... So I started buying my own food but they stayed skinny and I gained loads of weight :/ My family are walkers not runners. I can walk for miles at a very fast Pace but when it comes to running...well I'm just about last in most races! Please I need your honest opinion and could you please give me some ideas on how to lose a bit of weight thanks :) pictures:
Diet & Fitness - 8 Answers
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1 :
a big medium.
2 :
Just a little chubby.
3 :
you look great to me! I feel the same way as you... Honestly though, you look great.
4 :
You are average. Your not fat by any means. Its important to be healthy, just eat healthy and exercise. Your a beautiful young lady.
5 :
I think you're beautiful, face like an angel. Are you fit and healthy? Can you walk up flights of stairs without gasping and shop off the rack? Then you're fine-- love yourself.
6 :
Are you guys above me for real? "a big medium"?? "fat?" Hun you're 5'3 and 129lbs! thats just about perfect! But start watching what you eat, otherwise you may start to put a lot more weight on. Crisps, chocolate and white bread are lethal. Get back to that holland and barratt food miss! Im 16, 5'4, 133lbs. I too have HUGE hips and thick legs (thighs anyway). But thats all part of being a woman. As you get older, you'll realise boys prefer a womanly figure - with hips and thighs! They don't want some skinny, stick-shaped boy! And you probably still have yet to have your growth spurt, so I wouldn't worry too much at the moment. Especially at your age. I only started slimming down at 15, i used to be 151lbs at 14 years old! Just try to make sure you don't go down that road.... it's not nice! xxx
7 :
Even if your friends are eating junk food that doesn't mean you need to. If all your friends started playing with guns, would you? Honestly, (regardless of your weight) ask yourself this, "When did I feel better (physically and psychologically), when I was eating healthy food or now when I'm eating junk?" The point is, you have to do what you know is best for your own body. Your friends may not gain weight now, but they are making more fat cells with each bite of chocolate they take, so before too long, it'll catch up to them. If you start eating healthy food again (which I promise will make you feel really good), when your friends start to get fat (which they will), you will be the skinny one! :)
8 :
On the last pic. u looked a little chubby.. but seriously its not a problem. everyone worries about their figure and there is no need to... I worry about it all the time and i know i shouldn't but that is just how the human mind works... i am 13yo 5'5 and i weigh 130lbs? i think and yeah it changes like everyday... :/ not one of my favorite things in the world.. and if you r truely concerned just do a few situps every night or anything that will help you in the long run (just stay active... i'm havin trouble with that lol...)
Hi, Recently I've been feeling very down about my weight. I have always had really thick legs a small waist and big hips, always!! Well not the hips so much but always the legs ever since I was little. I'm 13 and I am 129 lbs. I am about 5 ft 3 inches. I have had to fit my eating habits around my little brother who for almost three years couldn't have any milk at all. My mum used to work in Holland and Barrett so we had LOADS of health food and I practically lived on it. But then when I got to about 10 I got so jealous of my friends because they had crisps and chocolate and white bread in their lunches and I had fruit bars apples and granary bread..... So I started buying my own food but they stayed skinny and I gained loads of weight :/ My family are walkers not runners. I can walk for miles at a very fast Pace but when it comes to running...well I'm just about last in most races! Please I need your honest opinion and could you please give me some ideas on how to lose a bit of weight thanks :) pictures:
Diet & Fitness - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
a big medium.
2 :
Just a little chubby.
3 :
you look great to me! I feel the same way as you... Honestly though, you look great.
4 :
You are average. Your not fat by any means. Its important to be healthy, just eat healthy and exercise. Your a beautiful young lady.
5 :
I think you're beautiful, face like an angel. Are you fit and healthy? Can you walk up flights of stairs without gasping and shop off the rack? Then you're fine-- love yourself.
6 :
Are you guys above me for real? "a big medium"?? "fat?" Hun you're 5'3 and 129lbs! thats just about perfect! But start watching what you eat, otherwise you may start to put a lot more weight on. Crisps, chocolate and white bread are lethal. Get back to that holland and barratt food miss! Im 16, 5'4, 133lbs. I too have HUGE hips and thick legs (thighs anyway). But thats all part of being a woman. As you get older, you'll realise boys prefer a womanly figure - with hips and thighs! They don't want some skinny, stick-shaped boy! And you probably still have yet to have your growth spurt, so I wouldn't worry too much at the moment. Especially at your age. I only started slimming down at 15, i used to be 151lbs at 14 years old! Just try to make sure you don't go down that road.... it's not nice! xxx
7 :
Even if your friends are eating junk food that doesn't mean you need to. If all your friends started playing with guns, would you? Honestly, (regardless of your weight) ask yourself this, "When did I feel better (physically and psychologically), when I was eating healthy food or now when I'm eating junk?" The point is, you have to do what you know is best for your own body. Your friends may not gain weight now, but they are making more fat cells with each bite of chocolate they take, so before too long, it'll catch up to them. If you start eating healthy food again (which I promise will make you feel really good), when your friends start to get fat (which they will), you will be the skinny one! :)
8 :
On the last pic. u looked a little chubby.. but seriously its not a problem. everyone worries about their figure and there is no need to... I worry about it all the time and i know i shouldn't but that is just how the human mind works... i am 13yo 5'5 and i weigh 130lbs? i think and yeah it changes like everyday... :/ not one of my favorite things in the world.. and if you r truely concerned just do a few situps every night or anything that will help you in the long run (just stay active... i'm havin trouble with that lol...)
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