Friday, October 7, 2011

Is it safe for Muslim women to go to the Netherlands / Holland

Is it safe for Muslim women to go to the Netherlands / Holland ?
My company in Malaysia is considering to purchase consultancy services from a prestigious Dutch company. We are expected to work with them in Holland for 6 months. It's a big project However, most of our staff are muslim women and they wear the Hijab. (Taking them off is not an option cause it's our religion). They are very concerned with the political instability in Holland. In particular, there is a large anti Islam movement in Holland by the dutch politician Geert wilders. Some of our staff has insisted that we do not proceed with the project I've read tGeert Wilder's anti Islam movement in Holland is the second largest in Holland. Isn't that an alarming fact for Muslims to do business with the dutch? So, Is it safe for us to be there for 6 months? Can any dutch people here advice? Thank you very much :) Ok, thank you for your answers. It's true what they say about dutch people then. Ok, there's a confuse in terminologies here. HIJAB = Covering Hair ONLY. You can see my face BURKA = Covering everything Thanks Bla Bla for pointing out. I didn't realize dutch people are probably sleeping at that time. Maybe dutch vampires were the ones that replied first :) Just joking
Netherlands - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No - I'd recommend you stay in your own country if you are not prepared to accept the laws of the country you intend to go to. There is a British woman in a Saudi Arabia jail for wearing a bikini so I'd say if you don't want to get arrested then stay at home. Additional notes: Oops excuse my ignorance. I don't see any problem if you show your face. Travellers are told to not go to lots of countries. You just have to know what areas to stay away from and what areas are safe. You can't blame the Dutch for feeling that way as a Film Producer was murdered for his liberal views in his own country. If you are worried about your safety now you know how the rest of us feel about terrorists! (Oh! And what do they say about the Dutch then? ) Additional notes: I don't live in the Netherlands. Something you will need to get used to is people saying, 'no', to you. I live in the Western world, not some repressed muslim dictatorship. My government isn't stupid enough to let in one million muslim harpies. We want to retain our prestigious cultural identity.
2 :
Yup- that previous post shows- there is real hatred of Muslims, even religious Christians in Europe right now. Showing a cross or wearing a veil will both get rude comments. But it is the attacks on Muslim women, forcing them to be photographed without their veil- basically exposing them to anyone with a computer- really shocking. Just explain to Muslims that they will be forced to deny their religious values if they want to go to Europe- but do not feel bad, because Christians have been forced to do this for a generation in Europe already- LOL- join the club. Australia and the US still have some religious freedom, but there are fierce groups attacking religion even in these countries. Secularism is the enemy of all religious people.
3 :
Geert Wilders is not going to go all out anti-muslim. Kinda hard to do when there's about 2 million of them in this country. Most of that is directed to the poor, mainly moroccan muslims who have been here since the late 1960s and still believe they can keep their culture unchanged. If you come over wearing a hjiab you will not stand out. I know this type is common: for your country but if you can vary style and color you will stand out a lot less. Actual physical safe, if you take the same precautions as you would in any other western european country it will be safe. There's at least 30 times more petty crime and theft commited by young people from a muslim background than there are hate crimes.
4 :
I now wonder with your addiitonal comments, what kind of answer you "want" to hear. Bear in mind you wrote this some three hours ago when most people who actually live, work and spend day to day in the Netherlands were asleep (I know I was!), and then you make the comment "It's true what they say about dutch people then" - what do you summise from the first two answers is true then about Dutch? Bear in mind: (a) the first answerer is the same one who talked about using taxi's from Schiphol to the centre of Amsterdam in a generic way in an earlier answer (anyone who knows Schiphol would never in their right mind blow money on a taxi when the train station is located within the airport and is a lot quicker and cheaper to the centre of Amsterdam So I will give you my opinion based on day to day life living in a "normal" city, living a normal life etc. Wearing the Hijab (and yes I know what it is) is not uncommon and does not draw attention unless you are in a very small e.g. rural community where there may not be many muslims living there. However given that you are talking about a Dutch company dealing in International business I would summise that they are located in the Randstad (Amsterdam<>Den Haag<>Rotterdam<>Utrecht) region) and here is is not the case where there are few to no muslims living. I personally disagree with the concept that there is "political instability" on the basis of religion. Yes there is a mentality shift towards respect of values & norms which are an integral part of society here and which differ in some sectors of islam (e.g. acceptance of homosexuals, acceptance of women in the workplace etc). From what I know of islam in Malaysia then it is not a fundemental sector of islam and it is the extremism of other countries e.g. wearing the Burka etc is a good example that the average Dutch person cannot equate with Having worked for an international company as the manager of a customer service dept for Europe & the Middle East Africa I do have first hand experience of recieving customers (distributors working in locals countries including ones with islam majorities) and I have never once experienced them being received in a negative manner or with any disrespect. If someone is going to come to the Netherlands and disrespect the core values that society accepts then it might well be an issue. If there is a common & mutual respect (which there normally is with persons dealing in the environment of internaitonal business) then I would say this is not a problem Personally I would reassure your female members of staff that the mentality of mutual respect is still a very fundemental value of people here and would question why they are so insistant of not proceeding with such a project? Based on media coverage of Geert Wilders (who is someone who coverts that attention)? That is a poor reason in my opinion. Likewise making opinions such as "It's true what they say about dutch people then" (I still don't understand what basis this is sourced on) from an answer from someone who likely does NOT live here and thus is working on media coverage or with their own scare mongering mentality is also not reallly a logical path to follow if you ask me. Of course this is just my opinion and I do hope that other regular answerers here will chime in with their opinions as well. In the meantime I would suggest you contact the Malaysian embassy as they will usually offer channels of support for Malaysian companies wishing to conduct business in the Netherlands There are also a number of associations/societies fostering ties between the two companies who will be able to give you their pospective (bearing in mind that anyone here on Y!A can claim to be anyone or anything) - Malaysian Dutch Business Council - Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency - Malaysian Association of the Netherlands Also you can maybe contact Malaysian daughter/sister companies operating already in the Netherlands for a first hand perspective
5 :
It's completely safe for a muslim-women with a hijab. There are one million Muslims in the Netherlands and many muslims women are wearing a hijab. Oke Wilders is the second party in the Netherlands, but not all voter are anti-islam. Also a lot voter voted for Wilders, because they protested against the 'old' parties that are ruling the Netherlands for decades. The same in 2002 with Pim Fortuyn. Many people voted for Pim Fortuyn in 2002 and he even became the largest party in the Netherlands. And once again a lot of protest-vote against the old parties.
6 :
It is only safe for those that do not force THEIR will or THEIR religion on us. Behave, be friendly, and stick to the law of the country you are in - and you should be okay. But, i guess it`s true what they say about muslims too then...
7 :
There is an anti islam movement but not just in the Netherlands, it's kind of all over Europe. But you will be safe. There are lots of woman with hijab all over Europe and almost everyone knows that muslims are not the source of all evil. The whole movement is because (dumb idiots) people are scared that muslims will take over Europe or something. Most people, at least in the big cities, know this is not true. Lots of people who voted Geert Wilders don't see many muslim people I believe. But in the big cities there is another problem. There are some really annoying foreign guys (it's usually guys, the girls are ok) who ruin things for other foreigners by behaving like total idiots. That's also why some people don't like foreigners. But since you are all educated woman, who come here for business (so you'll probably live in a city) you will be totally safe. You will do business with other educated people, and I know this sounds like a stereotype and maybe even a little mean, it's usually the people who aren't very educated that vote for geert wilders. I think they are afraid of thing they don't know and they are afraid that foreigners will take their job. I saw a documentary about geert wilders voters and one guy said that Dutch people didn't have a job anymore because foreigners took it. He didn't even consider that maybe there were some well educated foreigners who were better for that job then that guy and his friends. Also, he came from a village with hardly any foreigners. But I can assure you that not everyone in the Netherlands is like this. In fact I don't even know anyone like this so I think you will be ok.